
Friday, April 23, 2010

Just a Little Bit Warped

Inspired by artist Wanda Stivison, a group of us recently exchanged "warped" ATCs. I did a warped self-portrait by taking a self-portrait that I painted a few years ago and giving it a twist filter in photoshop. The second one was a postcard sized painted piece that I did for another artist, Heather Simpson, a few years ago when she had a 'time' theme. The twisted clock hands, melty puddle and Alice in Wonderland inspired checkerboard said 'warped' to me, so I reproduced in in a few little ATCs.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Printmaking Mixed Media

I've been doing a lot of printmaking lately, using them in fabric designs, and these ATCs and postcards I did a few days ago.

The blue postcard has strips of cotton, ripped to have a rustic look, and gradated. On top, I stamped one of my handcarved designs onto a coffee sleeve, and stitched it on with buttons on the corner.

The ATC was made from Yogi Tea KavaKava tea wrappers, which have a lovely shade of lavender. I collaged them together on cotton with watered down glue, stitched randomly with two shades of purple thread, and stamped over it randomly with several of my hand carved stamps.