
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Painted Peltex

I puttered the other day with some watersoluble oil pastels and crayola slick stix on Peltex. It worked best when the Peltex was really saturated with water. The colors stayed bright and it was fun to smudge and blend them. The end result looks kind of like wool, or needle felting. I am working on a larger piece with the same technique. Here are a couple ATCs I did, just for me...not to trade as I usually do.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Metal Madness

My ATC group is doing a rust/metal theme. Here's how I made these ATCs:
1)I painted a layer of copper Lumiere acrylic paint on recycled tyvek.(I use USPS and FedEx shipping bags...the ones that are lightweight and hard to open unless you have scissors)
2)I put woven copper mesh fabric over the painted tyvek (yes, REAL copper that is woven into fabric! I got mine at Michael's Arts and Crafts)
3)I painted, freehand, swirly leaf shapes on Lutradur with gold acrylic, then burned away the unpainted area with a heat gun, which left a lacey effect on the edges
4) I layered it all together on a base of Peltex, then basted it by hand
5) I machine stitched the gold leaf with gold thread
6) I machine zigzagged the edges with copper thread and did a minimal quilt across the little pieces
7) I embellished the edges with gold dimensional fabric paint dots, which I like to think gives a metal studded effect
80 I accented the center vein of the leaf with copper dimensional fabric paint.