Lately there has been a roving band of birds hanging out in my neighborhood. Where they came from is a mystery, but they seem to wander out from the woods and on to the lawns of the neighbors, then across the road to the other wooded area. We live right at the end of a greenbelt, so there are often unusual animals around. I think these are wild turkeys...can anyone identify them? I snapped this shot on my neighbor's front lawn.
Yep that would be wild turkeys .... extremely similar looking to the bunch who terrorized my poor father.
Steer Clear ...
Oh, I can just picture him (my brother in law, Ken)covered in mud and being pecked by angry turkeys. Guess I won't do any close ups of them!
Yeah, I recognize them. I have 4 in my freezer now. We will have one for thanksgiving. lol Of course ours aren't wild though. You were pretty lucky to get their photo. I tried to get photos closer, but never could even in our yard. They were too skitish!
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