On my last NYC art shopping spree I found some fake Chinese coins in a bead shop. I wanted to get some tiny coins, but it turned out the tiny ones, about half the size of a penny, are more expensive than the larger coins. Apparently it is more difficult to manufacture the little ones because of the wee details.
I had no idea what to do with them, so I stitched them to a couple of ATCs (artist trading cards, 2.5" x 3/5".) They are a surprise for a couple arty friends who have not yet experienced the joy of ATCs.
The ATCs are made of leftover pieces of distressed tyvek that I used for my last batch of art-o-mat blocks.
I have some of these. I put them in the center for business card holders and had a round oriental bead that ran through the center with a pull. I made one for my son as a gift for his BD.
Edz- I love mine!!! xo Flutterbugartgirl
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