For the past two years, I have been doing an 8"x8" journal quilt each month. Now that I am living a nomadic existence (3.5 days in NYC each week and 3.5 days on Long Island), I have not been keeping up with my fiberart. This is the beginning of my January 2009 JQ. It was done from a photo of the Roosevelt Island tram. I take the red tram back and forth from the isle of Manhattan to the wee isle of Roosevelt, three days a week. It hasn't been stitched and edged yet, but I liked the way it looked so far. Hopefully I will have time to finish it soon. The tram is scheduled to be shut down this summer for repairs and modernization, so it is a tribute both to my new job on Roosevelt Island and to the tram itself.
I think that's probably my photo of the tram, used as a basis. Are your works for sale? If yes, I may be interested. In any case, I'm interested in photographing the quilt and publishing that.
Dick Lutz
Editor & Publisher
The Main StreetWIRE
917 617-0449
Hey Linda, That's cool! Love it! Good to be recognized.
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