Monday, July 13, 2009

Mixed Media Dancing Clown

This is unfinished, and has been for a while. I just can't seem to find time to figure out how to edge and finalize it. It is a group effort: 7 artists (plus me) each did a section. It is from a photo of my daughter, Amanda (now nearly 21) that was taken when she was about 3, playing a clown in a ballet recital. I blew up the photo about 500%, divided the photo into eight sections, then sent 7 people in my art groups each a black and white section.


sonja said...

Linda if you have sewn the 8 pieces together you did good. by hand? mine is pinned but lovely and tugs on me as i pass it on the way to laundry inspire me to hand whip stitch them at least together...was that difficult? well Amanda look great dancing! thanks for sharing tha project's progress with us!


This is great Linda! I was in a group of other girls doing the same thing. Unfortunately it was a disaster! Two of the gals didn't come through with it and the other two girls didn't send back the other two copies that I needed of the picture when my computer went haywire. . Alas, It will never be finished, but would like to try it sometime with a reliable group.

Edzellinni aka Linda Edkins Wyatt said...

Reliable groups are very hard to find. Maybe you can round up a bunch of hardcore FATties (that would be FiberArtTraders for those who think I might have just insulted anyone with a few extra pounds...) I have rarely been in a group with people who ALL delivered on time. This took longer than expected, but all delivered. It was very cool to see all the different techniques. We started with black and white sections, but everyone interpreted the color well.